Get future-specific session information and validate current backend

futureSessionInfo(test = TRUE, anonymize = TRUE)



If TRUE, one or more futures are created to query workers and validate their information.


If TRUE, user names and host names are anonymized.




plan(multisession, workers = 2)
#> *** Package versions
#> future 1.34.0, parallelly 1.39.0, parallel 4.4.2, globals 0.16.3, listenv 0.9.1
#> *** Allocations
#> availableCores():
#> system  nproc 
#>      8      8 
#> availableWorkers():
#> $nproc
#> [1] "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost"
#> [7] "localhost" "localhost"
#> $system
#> [1] "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost" "localhost"
#> [7] "localhost" "localhost"
#> *** Settings
#> - future.plan=<not set>
#> - future.fork.multithreading.enable=<not set>
#> - future.globals.maxSize=5e+06
#> - future.globals.onReference=<not set>
#> - future.resolve.recursive=<not set>
#> - future.rng.onMisuse=‘error’
#> - future.wait.timeout=<not set>
#> - future.wait.interval=<not set>
#> - future.wait.alpha=<not set>
#> - future.startup.script=<not set>
#> *** Backends
#> Number of workers: 2
#> List of future strategies:
#> 1. multisession:
#>    - args: function (..., workers = 2, envir = parent.frame())
#>    - tweaked: TRUE
#>    - call: plan(multisession, workers = 2)
#> *** Basic tests
#> Main R session details:
#>      pid     r sysname           release
#> 1 786381 4.4.2   Linux 5.19.0-50-generic
#>                                                       version nodename machine
#> 1 #50-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jul 10 18:24:29 UTC 2023  host001  x86_64
#>     login    user effective_user
#> 1 user001 user001        user001
#> Worker R session details:
#>   worker    pid     r sysname           release
#> 1      1 787137 4.4.2   Linux 5.19.0-50-generic
#> 2      2 787136 4.4.2   Linux 5.19.0-50-generic
#>                                                       version nodename machine
#> 1 #50-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jul 10 18:24:29 UTC 2023  host001  x86_64
#> 2 #50-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Jul 10 18:24:29 UTC 2023  host001  x86_64
#>     login    user effective_user
#> 1 user001 user001        user001
#> 2 user001 user001        user001
#> Number of unique worker PIDs: 2 (as expected)